Plus is too slow. How can I continue to use oclhashcat ?
ok i found out what is the real source of the problem. i really had a hard time to find the reason because both, oclHashcat-plus and oclHashcat, share the same multihash binary search routine.

after some tests i wanted to start a trace session. so i had to recompile oclHashcat 0.26 kernels and whoops, the speed dropped (in my example) from ~4000M to ~2800M???

that lowers the possible sources to just one: the AMD SDK. when i released oclHashcat 0.26 the SDK used was 2.3.

so i quickly recompiled new oclHashcat-plus kernels with SDK 2.3 and see there, the speed is much higher than oclHashcat v0.26's.

conclusion: its good to know where it is coming from, but in this case i can not do anything more than hope AMD will put back whatever they do in SDK 2.3 in the next SDK release.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Plus is too slow. How can I continue to use oclhashcat ? - by atom - 01-04-2012, 06:30 PM