HashCat just doesn't crack my MD5 hash with brute force
    I have a very simple university project that involves creating a MD5 4-char long string hash and then cracking it using brute force/masked attack, very simple premise, did the code in java for hashing and used hashcat 4.2 for brute forcing but the second one just won't work... obviously a mistake on my end since the example templates works fine. 
The hash i'm using is supposed to be MD5, 128-bit long, using ?l?d for charset since the passwords only use those characters and they are 4 char long, so should be very easy to do.
    So lets see: the code for hashcat I used is :
               ./hashcat -m 0 -a 3 -1 ?l?d -O -o=crackedHashes.txt (hash dir) ?1?1?1?1 --potfile-disable
Got this output:
[Image: 9oigyXZ.png]

Also I did try to run it with ?h?h?h?h mask
the crackedHashes.txt just isn't generated! and I disabled potfile and enabled it, deleted it, cleaned it, nothing!

These are the hashes, for what I researched, they are supposed to be regular MD5.


This is the java function used to hash the strings:

   public static String MD5(String txt) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
       MessageDigest m=MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
       return new BigInteger(1,m.digest()).toString(16);

They are just test hashes so their meaning is useless...
Any clue as to why this is happening? Feels like a rookie mistake and I'm just noobing it out Tongue

Messages In This Thread
HashCat just doesn't crack my MD5 hash with brute force - by mielke44 - 10-23-2018, 04:31 PM