wallet.dat mode 11300: can make a hash from pywallet.py dump?

The example hash for -m 11300 Bitcoin/Litecoin wallet.dat is:


Can anyone help with the format of this hash, and how I could construct one with output from pywallet.py?

As far as I know, $bitcoin$96$ I can just ignore for now.  (But what is the 96?)  Then:

is the encrypted master key.  Not sure what the $16$ part is.

Then 1563277210780230 is the salt, then 158555 is the iter count.  Is that correct so far? 

Note sure what $96$ after that is again.

Then there's:


What are these parts?  Can I get them from the json output of a tool like pywallet.py that dumps encrypted wallet information?  Do these extra parts have something to do with the mkey or other parts of the wallet.dat, like an addr, compressed true/false, another encrypted private key, pubkey, and if so, what parts?

Thank you for any help, I'm trying to manually construct a hashcat compatible wallet.dat hash from information dumped from pywallet.py, which looks like this:

"mkey": {
        "encrypted_key": "encrypted key bytes", 
        "nDerivationIterations": 47923, # contrived example
        "nDerivationMethod": 0, 
        "nID": 1, 
        "otherParams": "", 
        "salt": "salt bytes"

Would the other information be another somehow encrypted private key associated with an address in the wallet.dat, and maybe a pubkey?

Or can I just have a go at a hash that has an encrypted private key as above, iterations, salt?  What would I be missing out on if I didn't have any further information about the entire hash?  How would hashcat deal with the last parts


... as the example hash from the wiki?

Thank you for any help!

Messages In This Thread
wallet.dat mode 11300: can make a hash from pywallet.py dump? - by james79 - 11-15-2018, 05:30 AM