PDF (Standard V1.3 40-bit RC4) Salt-value exception
I think it should be -m 10400 = PDF 1.1 - 1.3 (Acrobat 2 - 4)
but your hash starts with $pdf$1*3* and only V == 1 and R == 2 is allowd by the parser.

Remember that you should never post hashes on this forum... and only if you are asked by an admin/moderator, you of course need to include the password too (otherwise it's diffucult to troubleshoot anything).

Can you confirm it is a Acrobat 2, Acrobat 3 or Acrobat 4 PDF format ? I think the problem is that hashcat just doesn't allow R = 3

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RE: PDF (Standard V1.3 40-bit RC4) Salt-value exception - by philsmd - 12-03-2018, 02:17 PM