Can't Find Potfile on Mac
if you want to use your own directory and not the directory structure that the brew package maintainer decided to use (to be fair it's also similar how the "make install" target on linux works), you can just clone it from git and build it yourself:

first install all the necessary building tools with brew:
brew install gnu-sed git gcc make

and then clone and compile hashcat
cd ~/the_folder_you_want_to_use/
git clone
cd hashcat/
./hashcat --help

note that the "./" before hashcat is important, otherwise the system-wide hashcat installation (the brew one) is used. You could/should even uninstall the brew version, otherwise you could get confused which version is used (is it the brew one or the git one ?)

There is one disadvantage of this approach... you always need to enter that hashcat directory and type "./hashcat", you can't run hashcat directly from other directories (but you can have dictionary files, mask files, rule files etc outside that directory and use them by just specifying the full path e.g. -r ~/my_hc_rule_folder/my.rule or -r ../../the_rules.rule)

Messages In This Thread
Can't Find Potfile on Mac - by Anymus - 06-02-2020, 07:56 PM
RE: Can't Find Potfile on Mac - by philsmd - 06-02-2020, 08:03 PM
RE: Can't Find Potfile on Mac - by Anymus - 06-02-2020, 08:13 PM
RE: Can't Find Potfile on Mac - by philsmd - 06-03-2020, 08:32 AM