Limitting the password combinations
I have a zip file (.zip created by 7zip v15.10) that I remember the password to (~12 characters long), but it seems I've typed the password wrong while zipping it and now it doesn't open.
When I calculate how long it would take, online calculators give me anywhere from few to over 9000 years. I wonder if I can reduce that time by setting some limiting rules?
- Can I specify to not use repeat characters in the generated passwords?
- Can I set a part of the password as fixed? I remember adding "this" word to the end of the password.
- Can I segment the password into chunks? for example: the first 4 where lower case, the second upper and the rest numbers
- Can I give it the password I remember and try permutations of it? It's possible that the keyboard didn't register one or two presses.

Messages In This Thread
Limitting the password combinations - by Kia - 02-19-2021, 07:18 PM