Cracking using a wordlist containing NT hashes

According to PR 2607 it should be possible to use a list of NT hashes as a wordlist for cracking some hashes. Is there any instructions available for doing this? I need to know things like which modes this functionality is supported for? Which additional flags, if any, do I need to use in this scenario?

Thank you!
There are not really any instructions but it's just as it sounds. Pass in a file containing hex NTLM hashes, one per line, and use on of the (NT) modes.
I tried that and for me that does not work. However, I have been successfull in cracking NetNTLMv1 and NetNTLMv2 hashes using mode 27000 and 27100 respectivly.

As I understand it the PR should support other hash types as well and I will try to find the new modes for those. Unless someone simply knows and can write the answer here?
27000 and 27100 are the only ones merged into master currently. I PR'd DCC/mscache and DCC2 but they are still in draft PRs. The kerberos modes are not even in draft yet.
Great! That explains it. I will keep an eye on your PR. Thanks!