Help for trunc32(hex(sha256("knownstring"+"password"+"knownsaltstring"))) ?

I'd like to break hashes of form trunc32(hex(sha256("knownstring"+"password"+"knownsaltstring"))).

As far as I'm aware from reading the documentation hashcat doesn't support breaking truncated hashes unfortunately, and the format I'm looking for isn't directly supported, either, and me being new to this, I'm having trouble understanding how to do this with hashcat.

I'd appreciate any help in understanding how to implement this, even if it's just for how to get the format I'm after with full hashes outputted so maybe I could just check the hashed values myself with another program that I pipe hashcat into, etc.

I tested with standard c (openssl and my own sha256) as well as with Bun, but I got measly 1MH/s to 4MH/s single core perf, and I believe hashcat could offer a definitive speed increase for this.

Thank you for any help you could offer!