Salted-SHA1 to plaintext
Hello I am new to using hashcat and I would like to convert a salted SHA1 hash into plaintext. I have the salt here:  Everyone always wants new things. Everybody likes new inventions, new technology. People will never be replaced by machines. In the end, life and business are about human connections. And computers are about trying to murder you in a lake.
And my hash is e148e11bcc639ac2a6c048e6ba349da6cf2779bd
I know to set the mode to one of the 100-170 modes but i'm stil confused and don't even know if i use a wordlist for this.
first of all you need to know exactly how the hash was generated, as you can see from modes or examplehashes, there are multiple known or used ways for sha-1, (pass+salt) or (salt+pass) and so on

without knowing this you would have to "attack" all supported sha-1 algorithms but never knowing whether the attack will EVER return an output, so this is not applicable