A minor bug. When oclhashcat-plus v0.14 is run with --username and --remove, usernames are not retained in the hashes file. So if you are doing N runs on the same hashes file, runs 2 through N fail because there are no longer usernames in the file.
I would expect that hashcat-plus would simply delete the line that the hash is on, but instead it replaces the entire file with only hashes minus the hash that has been cracked. It's a minor bug because the workaround is straightforward - just avoid using --username when cracking hashes.
I would expect that hashcat-plus would simply delete the line that the hash is on, but instead it replaces the entire file with only hashes minus the hash that has been cracked. It's a minor bug because the workaround is straightforward - just avoid using --username when cracking hashes.