cudahashcat error
Im getting an error with cudahashcat2.01: ERROR: Invalid gpu-loops specified
I have used hashcat before several times and not seen the error although this is the first time I have used this version. 

The command I am running is 
cudahashcat64.exe -a 3 -m 9500 -username <excelhash> -1 ?l?u ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1 -i --increment-min=4

I have tried adding the --gpu-loops command with various values including those specified in the benchmark mode for excel hashes but still get the same error. Having searched the forums, I cant find anything to indicate why the error is happening. 

I am using a NVIDIA GTX 980Ti on a gaming rig for the cracking. 

Does anyone have any ideas? 

Your problem is ''-username''. Since you only have one dash before the word 'username,' getopt is interpreting that as "-u sername" and telling you that 'sername' is not a valid value. Long options always have two dashes, not one. But regardless you shouldn't need the --username switch if you are using office2hashcat, or are editing the output from office2john in the appropriate manner.

Also, mask attack against -m 9500 is a bit... uneducated. That algorithm is way too slow to brute force.
thanks for the reply, but the problem is not the username switch.

I can remove it, and edit the hash obtained from office2john, but get the same error. The same command runs fine on a different machine, but its graphics card is rubbish so its not worth trying.

I am also trying with a dictionary, but i want to see how long brute force takes too... so not really uneducated
Maybe you should show us your exact command line then.