Using --pw-skip --pw-limit to distribute workload
Hi everyone, I'm currently trying to crack an 8 character uppercase WPA using a mask.

This is my current command that I'm using (single pc at around 1.58%, speed 39000H/s):
cudaHashcat64 -m 2500 -a 3 --pwd-min=8 capture.hccap ?u?u?u?u?u?u?u?u

Is it possible to distribute the work across multiple computers using the --pw-skip and --pw-limit, with a mask, for example (using arbitrary numbers):

PC 0: --pw-limit 1000
PC 1: --pw-skip 1000 --pw-limit 2000
PC 2: --pc-skip 2000 --pw-limit 3000
and so on...

If so, can this also be used with hashcat and oclhashcat on the same machine? To utilise the CPU and GPU power of the machine.

Or am I misunderstanding how this works?

Or maybe a better way?

Thank you.
Yes to both, although at just 39kH it'll be slow - about 2 months to run all the way through that charset.
No, not 'yes to both.' Of course you can distribute work with -s/-l, that's why they are there, but -s/-l are different in hashcat & oclHashcat, you cannot distribute work between the two without some serious math first. But there's no need to do so now that oclHashcat supports CPU devices. hashcat-cli will be officially deprecated in a couple weeks, so until then just use oclHashcat beta.