Code to pre-pend $ while generating rule such as ..$1$2$3 works with …
mp32.exe -1 123 $?1$?1$?1 -o Mask_Processor_Test_Result.txt
Prefixing ^ does not work in the same way.
mp32.exe -1 123 ^?1^?1^?1 -o Mask_Processor_Test_Result.txt does not work and only produces 123 etc.
If the user does this however …
mp32.exe -1 123 “^â€?1â€^â€?1â€^â€?1 -o Mask_Processor_Test_Result.txt
It works !!
^1^2^3 etc
Can this be standardised please so one syntax works for everything ? Thank you.

mp32.exe -1 123 $?1$?1$?1 -o Mask_Processor_Test_Result.txt
Prefixing ^ does not work in the same way.
mp32.exe -1 123 ^?1^?1^?1 -o Mask_Processor_Test_Result.txt does not work and only produces 123 etc.
If the user does this however …
mp32.exe -1 123 “^â€?1â€^â€?1â€^â€?1 -o Mask_Processor_Test_Result.txt
It works !!
^1^2^3 etc
Can this be standardised please so one syntax works for everything ? Thank you.