08-03-2017, 07:25 AM
I was wondering if I could conduct a numeric only search when using -m 14000 instead of searching through the entire keyspace?
Test Example (DES-ECB):
Key: 6891082025701013 (randomly made up)
PT: 4B0A161F0BAB3CD4
CT: B384B7B51C1D5073
If I run -m 14000 (CT
T) -a 3 -1 charsets/DES_full.charset --hex-charset ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1 -o cracked.txt -w 3, it is telling me it would take 3 weeks for a 100% search.
If I know the test key only uses numeric values that cuts the variables to 50^8 vs 128^8, a huge difference.
Test Example (DES-ECB):
Key: 6891082025701013 (randomly made up)
PT: 4B0A161F0BAB3CD4
CT: B384B7B51C1D5073
If I run -m 14000 (CT

If I know the test key only uses numeric values that cuts the variables to 50^8 vs 128^8, a huge difference.