Need help with one word + lots of rules.
Hi everyone.

I have one password where I'm pretty sure i mistyped one of the letters, could be one of the special letters (just one of them) or upper\lower case or maybe just one letter to each side of the original letter(typo).

I am trying to run this specific word with combination of different kinds of rules from the rules directory
but when running hashcat I get about half the speed( using CPU as its 15700, from 12 h/sec i only get 4h/sec) 
- is there anyway to solve this?

The way I ran it is putting the specific word in a txt file and use that as a word list together with the -r toggle for rules.

Just for the information of it - the password is in this structure: Hretdada45! (11 characters all together)
and im trying to run every possible rule I can and hope It was really just a mistype.

Thanks for any replier\helper!
If you suspect it's a mistyping of a single character I think your most promising attack would be a mask attack with a hcmask file like this:


(03-24-2019, 10:10 PM)undeath Wrote: If you suspect it's a mistyping of a single character I think your most promising attack would be a mask attack with a hcmask file like this:



Thanks for your reply - I would want to test a mistype for each one of the characters by turn.

I might've doubled a character while pressing the keyboard\lowercase\uppercase\letter right-left-up-down of the original character

Do you think such a thing is possible?

also, regarding the "wordlist" as I only need one word to be used with a bunch of rules - why is my speed cut in half? Is there a way to use one word like this?
I'd say that would normally be a VERY good way to go, but with a gpu. From your description it kind of sounds like it's cpu only, is that the case?