in general these are problems with drivers. maybe you have some further drivers installed e.g. for your OpenCL CPU etc.
I think driver fusion and/or ddu (Display Driver Uninstaller) might help you after removing the driver by uninstalling them all (Control Panel). sometimes some OpenCL related .dll are still available after uninstalling so you might manually delete them as mentioned in the FAQ
would be actually quite interesting to debug this to find out who the culprit is here.
Did you try to test it with all the GPUs (physically) removed ? does it also crash with only the CPU within your system.
I think under windows you can see which dll are loaded with process monitor . could be interesting to see what is loaded (most importantly of course the OpenCL related drivers).
It could maybe work if you re-install windows etc... but I guess that's not an option for you. Furthermore, it would be also quite interesting to troubleshoot this system just to make sure which driver problem is able to stop the process entirely from running (which on its own is very strange/rare)