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i am new at this and i have the program loaded up my .cap file converted to hascat format and wordlist ready. the problem is there is no wpa option in hash type on the cpu only. i see it in the hashcat plus but that is only for gpu and i only have a cpu. i cant figure it out please help? im sure its somthing really stupid and simple.
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Joined: Jan 2011
That is because WPA is NOT supported by the CPU version. You'll need a GPU and oclHashcat-plus.
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maybe because atom not implemented it there?
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Joined: Jan 2012
There is no use to try to bruteforce WPA on a CPU, even dictionary attacks are almost useless due to the low speed of a CPU on WPA.
a overklocked Sandy Bridge, Intel 2600K manages to bruteforce about 2000 WPAhashes/s