I'm having trouble running hashcat in a VM without a GPU. I have a physical box without a GPU that runs just fine. I cannot seem to find much on this issue. The error is out there, but usually related to a bona fide memory issue. The VM and physical have the same amount of memory. And hashcat cannot even run -I.
The processor reporting through the VM is an Intel and I have the latest CL runtime installed. clinfo.exe reports the presence of the CPU and everything appears to be just as friendly as on the physical.
Here's what it sees through OpenCL for the device on the VM, so I believe it's all getting through the stack correctly:
Platform ID: 0132863C
Name: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5650 @ 2.67GHz
Vendor: Intel(R) Corporation
Driver version: 2020.
Version: OpenCL 2.1 (Build 0)
Yet hashcat.exe -I gives me this:
PS C:\Analysis\hashcat-6.1.1> .\hashcat.exe -I
hashcat (v6.1.1) starting...
clCreateContext(): CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY
PS C:\Analysis\hashcat-6.1.1>
Anyone seen this? I've tried a couple of different VMs on Hyper-V and in Azure and they all suffer from the same behavior.
Current Hyper-V is Server 2019 and the VM is Server 2019 Standard. The physical and VM both have 16G of memory and 8 processors. Physical is 2 sockets with hyperthreading off and the VM is 1 socket with 8 vCPUs.
The physical box is Windows 2012 R2 but I have tried rebuilding the VM with 2012 R2 as well. Same exact OS and patch level, same exact results, so I rebuilt again as 2019. If I'm going to fix this, I'd rather it be on a 2019 VM.
Thanks for anyone that can help!
The processor reporting through the VM is an Intel and I have the latest CL runtime installed. clinfo.exe reports the presence of the CPU and everything appears to be just as friendly as on the physical.
Here's what it sees through OpenCL for the device on the VM, so I believe it's all getting through the stack correctly:
Platform ID: 0132863C
Name: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5650 @ 2.67GHz
Vendor: Intel(R) Corporation
Driver version: 2020.
Version: OpenCL 2.1 (Build 0)
Yet hashcat.exe -I gives me this:
PS C:\Analysis\hashcat-6.1.1> .\hashcat.exe -I
hashcat (v6.1.1) starting...
clCreateContext(): CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY
PS C:\Analysis\hashcat-6.1.1>
Anyone seen this? I've tried a couple of different VMs on Hyper-V and in Azure and they all suffer from the same behavior.
Current Hyper-V is Server 2019 and the VM is Server 2019 Standard. The physical and VM both have 16G of memory and 8 processors. Physical is 2 sockets with hyperthreading off and the VM is 1 socket with 8 vCPUs.
The physical box is Windows 2012 R2 but I have tried rebuilding the VM with 2012 R2 as well. Same exact OS and patch level, same exact results, so I rebuilt again as 2019. If I'm going to fix this, I'd rather it be on a 2019 VM.
Thanks for anyone that can help!