Rule syntax question
I would like to verify if these 2 functions are the same:

Function 1: $$$1

Function 2: $$ $$ $1
no .
Whats difference?
assume that wordlist got password XXX
right now
func.1 will be XXX$1
func.2 will be XXX$$1
(02-21-2015, 08:57 PM)Szulik Wrote: assume that wordlist got password XXX
right now
func.1 will be XXX$1
func.2 will be XXX$$1


So $$$1 is the same as $$ $1

meaning $$<special char> as in I can put $$% for XXX% ? Why not $%...?
Quote:So $$$1 is the same as $$ $1


Quote:meaning $$<special char> as in I can put $$% for XXX% ? Why not $%...?

That makes no sense. Do you mean this?

$$ $%

That would work.
Lets take a word, ABC.

$$$1 -> ABC$1
$$ $1 -> ABC$1

What I am trying to understand is how come $$$1 is the same as $$ $1.. you would think it would be $$1, for instance..
$ mean that You want add sth at the end of word, so $$ first char mean that You appent, second is char what You want to append
$$$1 ->ABC$1
$$$1 and $$ $1 is the same

anyway, plz read
there is all explained
rules only work on single characters (well, actually bytes), not character sequences. Rules are not delimited by whitespace. Whitespace is just for making them look nicer.
^^ Now it makes sense, thanks undeath

In other words, $$$1 is just saying, append $ and then right after, append 1.

What I was thinking is it was possible to write it as "$$1", meaning append $ and 1 in one shot, but I am realizing that is not possible.