10-25-2018, 12:18 PM
Hey I'm new to cracking and Linux (especially The-Distribution-Which-Does-Not-Handle-OpenCL-Well (Kali) Linux) and things are going really slow and I've googled for hours not finding an answer and maybe you can help me?
Command used: hashcat -a 0 -m 1800 hashes.txt ss100.txt
(Where the hashes are salted sha-512 and the wordlist are 220k regular words)
This is the text I get.
hashcat (v4.2.1) starting...
* Device #2: Not a native Intel OpenCL runtime. Expect massive speed loss.
You can use --force to override, but do not report related errors.
nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported
OpenCL Platform #1: NVIDIA Corporation
* Device #1: GeForce GTX 860M, 1011/4046 MB allocatable, 5MCU
OpenCL Platform #2: The pocl project
* Device #2: pthread-Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4710HQ CPU @ 2.50GHz, skipped.
Hashes: 81 digests; 77 unique digests, 77 unique salts
Bitmaps: 16 bits, 65536 entries, 0x0000ffff mask, 262144 bytes, 5/13 rotates
Rules: 1
Applicable optimizers:
* Zero-Byte
* Uses-64-Bit
Minimum password length supported by kernel: 0
Maximum password length supported by kernel: 256
ATTENTION! Pure (unoptimized) OpenCL kernels selected.
This enables cracking passwords and salts > length 32 but for the price of drastically reduced performance.
If you want to switch to optimized OpenCL kernels, append -O to your commandline.
Watchdog: Temperature abort trigger set to 90c
INFO: Removed 2 hashes found in potfile.
* Device #1: build_opts '-cl-std=CL1.2 -I OpenCL -I /usr/share/hashcat/OpenCL -D VENDOR_ID=32 -D CUDA_ARCH=500 -D AMD_ROCM=0 -D VECT_SIZE=1 -D DEVICE_TYPE=4 -D DGST_R0=0 -D DGST_R1=1 -D DGST_R2=2 -D DGST_R3=3 -D DGST_ELEM=16 -D KERN_TYPE=1800 -D _unroll'
Dictionary cache built:
* Filename..: ss100.txt
* Passwords.: 221599
* Bytes.....: 2485174
* Keyspace..: 221599
* Runtime...: 1 sec
Cracking performance lower than expected?
* Append -O to the commandline.
This lowers the maximum supported password- and salt-length (typically down to 32).
* Append -w 3 to the commandline.
This can cause your screen to lag.
* Update your OpenCL runtime / driver the right way:
* Create more work items to make use of your parallelization power:
[s]tatus [p]ause [b]ypass [c]heckpoint [q]uit => s
Session..........: hashcat
Status...........: Running
Hash.Type........: sha512crypt $6$, SHA512 (Unix)
Hash.Target......: hashes.txt
Time.Started.....: Thu Oct 25 12:06:03 2018 (27 secs)
Time.Estimated...: Thu Oct 25 12:57:34 2018 (51 mins, 4 secs)
Guess.Base.......: File (ss100.txt)
Guess.Queue......: 1/1 (100.00%)
Speed.Dev.#1.....: 5377 H/s (11.92ms) @ Accel:64 Loops:32 Thr:32 Vec:1
Recovered........: 2/77 (2.60%) Digests, 2/77 (2.60%) Salts
Progress.........: 143360/17063123 (0.84%)
Rejected.........: 0/143360 (0.00%)
Restore.Point....: 0/221599 (0.00%)
Candidates.#1....: A-aktie -> attesterats
HWMon.Dev.#1.....: Temp: 54c Util: 99% Core:1097MHz Mem:2505MHz Bus:16
What is wrong?
Best Regards from John
Command used: hashcat -a 0 -m 1800 hashes.txt ss100.txt
(Where the hashes are salted sha-512 and the wordlist are 220k regular words)
This is the text I get.
hashcat (v4.2.1) starting...
* Device #2: Not a native Intel OpenCL runtime. Expect massive speed loss.
You can use --force to override, but do not report related errors.
nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported
OpenCL Platform #1: NVIDIA Corporation
* Device #1: GeForce GTX 860M, 1011/4046 MB allocatable, 5MCU
OpenCL Platform #2: The pocl project
* Device #2: pthread-Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4710HQ CPU @ 2.50GHz, skipped.
Hashes: 81 digests; 77 unique digests, 77 unique salts
Bitmaps: 16 bits, 65536 entries, 0x0000ffff mask, 262144 bytes, 5/13 rotates
Rules: 1
Applicable optimizers:
* Zero-Byte
* Uses-64-Bit
Minimum password length supported by kernel: 0
Maximum password length supported by kernel: 256
ATTENTION! Pure (unoptimized) OpenCL kernels selected.
This enables cracking passwords and salts > length 32 but for the price of drastically reduced performance.
If you want to switch to optimized OpenCL kernels, append -O to your commandline.
Watchdog: Temperature abort trigger set to 90c
INFO: Removed 2 hashes found in potfile.
* Device #1: build_opts '-cl-std=CL1.2 -I OpenCL -I /usr/share/hashcat/OpenCL -D VENDOR_ID=32 -D CUDA_ARCH=500 -D AMD_ROCM=0 -D VECT_SIZE=1 -D DEVICE_TYPE=4 -D DGST_R0=0 -D DGST_R1=1 -D DGST_R2=2 -D DGST_R3=3 -D DGST_ELEM=16 -D KERN_TYPE=1800 -D _unroll'
Dictionary cache built:
* Filename..: ss100.txt
* Passwords.: 221599
* Bytes.....: 2485174
* Keyspace..: 221599
* Runtime...: 1 sec
Cracking performance lower than expected?
* Append -O to the commandline.
This lowers the maximum supported password- and salt-length (typically down to 32).
* Append -w 3 to the commandline.
This can cause your screen to lag.
* Update your OpenCL runtime / driver the right way:
* Create more work items to make use of your parallelization power:
[s]tatus [p]ause [b]ypass [c]heckpoint [q]uit => s
Session..........: hashcat
Status...........: Running
Hash.Type........: sha512crypt $6$, SHA512 (Unix)
Hash.Target......: hashes.txt
Time.Started.....: Thu Oct 25 12:06:03 2018 (27 secs)
Time.Estimated...: Thu Oct 25 12:57:34 2018 (51 mins, 4 secs)
Guess.Base.......: File (ss100.txt)
Guess.Queue......: 1/1 (100.00%)
Speed.Dev.#1.....: 5377 H/s (11.92ms) @ Accel:64 Loops:32 Thr:32 Vec:1
Recovered........: 2/77 (2.60%) Digests, 2/77 (2.60%) Salts
Progress.........: 143360/17063123 (0.84%)
Rejected.........: 0/143360 (0.00%)
Restore.Point....: 0/221599 (0.00%)
Candidates.#1....: A-aktie -> attesterats
HWMon.Dev.#1.....: Temp: 54c Util: 99% Core:1097MHz Mem:2505MHz Bus:16
What is wrong?