01-02-2013, 09:50 PM
Over the time I've been involved in coding both bitcoin mining software and partially sl3 unlocking one. I found out those two communities (are/have become) utterly disrespectful, driven by pure greed, just leeching paranoid parasites. Yes, there are exceptions to the general rule, but that is where it is all generally headed towards. That's also the result of having economic benefits for doing something virtually any idiot can do. I am sure no sane gpu hashcracking coder would ever again code anything related to sl3, doesn't matter if it's free or paid, noone wants to get leeched by a retard that apparently even gets the credit for doing that (and that happened repeatedly in the past). And while bitcoin as a concept makes a point, sl3 is utterly worthless, overwhelmed by backstabbing retards that do nothing different as compared to all those I_inherited_20_million_from_my_dictator_relatives_give_me_your_credit_card_so_that_I_can_launder_those scammers.
Just go kill yourselves.
Just go kill yourselves.