Complete Noob
So, I've downloaded oclHashcat-plus and the hashcat-gui.

I think I've got it working on what I want, but I honestly have no idea if that's true.

Basically, I have a SHA512 hash WITHOUT any salt where I know that the original text was 10 characters long and contains 2 uppercase letters, 2 digits, and the rest are lowercase letters.

I have a GTX Titan and really want to put it to work on cracking this hash. Can someone PLEASE provide me with either the command line command or else the gui options I would need to use to crack such a hash?

Messages In This Thread
Complete Noob - by sweetname - 10-27-2013, 11:16 PM
RE: Complete Noob - by philsmd - 10-28-2013, 12:02 AM