I tried it on the web converter from .cap to .hccap, and run oclhashcat64 (1.31) didn't find the password.
I tried it with cap2hccap.bin in backtrack linux(VM) .cap to .haccap
make sure the cap2hccap.bin in usr/local/bin
And with this command:
cap2hccap.bin -e Mattia Mattia_mod.cap Mattia_mod.hccap
and run the OCLhascat64(1.31) in window8.1 with brute force or try dictionary , and oclhashcat found it "tgnmtt87"
I tried it with cap2hccap.bin in backtrack linux(VM) .cap to .haccap
make sure the cap2hccap.bin in usr/local/bin
And with this command:
cap2hccap.bin -e Mattia Mattia_mod.cap Mattia_mod.hccap
and run the OCLhascat64(1.31) in window8.1 with brute force or try dictionary , and oclhashcat found it "tgnmtt87"