Third-party utility: analyze_hccap
analyze_hccap is a new small perl script I developed which sometimes can be very handy to analyze the content of .hccap files (for -m 2500 = WPA cracking, see ).

The github repository with instructions can be found here:

It is especially useful when you for instance have .hccap files with more than 1 network (lets say a "multi hccap file").
The tool even has a filter s.t. the user can select the networks/single hccaps he wants to display (in case of a multi hccap file).

Let me know if you find it useful and/or have some suggestions, improvement requests etc.

Messages In This Thread
Third-party utility: analyze_hccap - by philsmd - 01-28-2015, 11:40 AM
RE: Third-party utility: analyze_hccap - by Rolf - 01-28-2015, 03:37 PM