WPA Specific Strategies, Stats and Lists
Let's stay on discussion, try not getting caught up with WPS attacks or default key generation.

People also enter their PSK on a mobile device, which has constrained inputs. You can reduce the keyspace by basically dropping our special chars and can bang out a lot just using ?l?d, but the slow algo means wordlists and rules are more effective.

The stringdigit mask as the third popular + loweralphanum charset shows numeric padding, if the base word isn't 8 chars, people will just pad with a date or sequence of numbers. This follows regular selection rules though, not just specific to WPA aside from the minimum length.

Messages In This Thread
WPA Specific Strategies, Stats and Lists - by xor - 06-13-2015, 11:03 AM
RE: WPA Specific Strategies, Stats and Lists - by hawaii - 06-16-2015, 07:56 PM