could someone help me with a mask?
First off, your command line is an utter train wreck. It's obvious you do not know what any of those flags do, you're just copy/pasting things without reading, learning, or understanding.

You specify -p without a value, though I suspect it's using the first character of "--username" as the value, making the --username switch do nothing (which is fine, you shouldn't be using it anyway.) You specify -u without a value, making --gpu-temp-retain do nothing, and then specify --gpu-loops=512, which is not only a nonsensical value, but -u and --gpu-loops are the same parameter. You also specify -n 160, which is a nonsensical value for a slow hash. But then you also specify -w 2 which is an alias for -n/-u parameters, so this is not only redundant but does nothing since you manually specify -n/-u on top of it. You also specify both -i and --increment, which are the same flag.

So yes, it is very clear to me that you are not reading.

The bracket is showing up in the mask for precisely the same reason why you do not see brackets being used on the Mask Attack wiki page -- it's not valid syntax. You need to define a custom charset.

The mask "?a?a?a?a?a[lL]oveisfine?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a" should be written as "-1 lL ?a?a?a?a?a?1oveisfine?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a" on the command line, or as "lL,?a?a?a?a?a?1oveisfine?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a" in an hcmask file. This is explained very plainly on the wiki:

The second link gives you a very clear example of how to create an .hcmask file that does what you want.

Now pay attention, because I'm going to do this once and only once. After this, you're on your own.

Based on the two masks you've provided, your .hcmask file should contain the following two lines:


And then your command should be written as:

cudaHashcat64 -a 3 -i --increment-min 6 -m 11600 --session gotitnowbaby -w 2 output.txt mine.hcmask

See how simple that command line is?

Your only problem now should be your impossible masks. This algorithm is way too slow for the masks you want to use; in fact, even if this were an MD4 hash, you'd still never complete this mask. The keyspace is outrageously huge.

Good luck.

Messages In This Thread
RE: could someone help me with a mask? - by epixoip - 07-23-2015, 08:02 PM