Ubuntu 16.04 - fglrx is deprecated - is "radeon" driver OK these days?
I've just built a fresh desktop with a Radeon R9 290X to use as an oclhashcat box =).

I've installed Ubuntu 16.04 on it. By default, Ubuntu uses the open-source "radeon" driver.

Reading online, most of the older articles seem to suggest replacing this with AMD's proprietary "fglrx" driver.

However, the Ubuntu 16.04 release notes (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes) suggest going with "radeon":

The fglrx driver is now deprecated in 16.04, and we recommend its open source alternatives (radeon and amdgpu). AMD put a lot of work into the drivers, and we backported kernel code from Linux 4.5 to provide a better experience.

Out of curiosity - is it still the advice to replace "radeon" with "fglrx"?

Or have things changed, and it's now OK just to use the standard "radeon" driver that comes out of the box?

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Ubuntu 16.04 - fglrx is deprecated - is "radeon" driver OK these days? - by victorhooi - 04-25-2016, 10:50 AM