Q: The parameter --pw-skip does not work
It just works different than in v0.06. To be exact, its much more easy now.
Remember how hard it was to understand --pw-skip? I found it was to complicated, so i changed how it works to a more easy mode.
New users will have it much easier.
This also means that you can not use *.restore file from v0.06 sessions. You have to restart from the beginning.
See here for mode details: distributing_workload_in_oclhashcat_lite
Q: My GPUs were only running at 75% - 95%. With oclHashcat-lite v0.06 they were running at 99%
This is an windows mutex issue. Append --restore-timer 60 to your cmdline and it should be fixed.
It just works different than in v0.06. To be exact, its much more easy now.
Remember how hard it was to understand --pw-skip? I found it was to complicated, so i changed how it works to a more easy mode.
New users will have it much easier.
This also means that you can not use *.restore file from v0.06 sessions. You have to restart from the beginning.
See here for mode details: distributing_workload_in_oclhashcat_lite
Q: My GPUs were only running at 75% - 95%. With oclHashcat-lite v0.06 they were running at 99%
This is an windows mutex issue. Append --restore-timer 60 to your cmdline and it should be fixed.