Status/Progres display when using --pw-limit?
I'm running cudaHashCatLite in SL3 mode with a --pw-limit set at about 0.1% of the total range, and here's the output from the thing:

c:\sh\oclHashcat-lite-0.08\oclHashcat-lite-0.08>cudaHashcat-lite64.exe -m 1900 -n 8 -1 ?d --pw-skip 0 --pw-limit 2000000000000 ***********************************:00**************00 ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1
cudaHashcat-lite v0.8 by atom starting...

GPU-Loops: 1024
GPU-Accel: 8
Password lengths range: 15 - 15
Platform: NVidia compatible platform found
Watchdog: Temperature limit set to 90c
Device #1: GeForce GTX 460, 1024MB, 1800Mhz, 7MCU
[s]tatus [p]ause [r]esume [q]uit => s
Status.......: Running
Hash.Target..: ********************
Hash.Type....: SL3
Time.Running.: 4 seconds
Time.Left....: 29 days, 16 hours
Plain.Mask...: ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1
Plain.Text...: ********3233303237313030303030
Plain.Length.: 15
Progress.....: 1764360192/1000000000000000 (0.00%) !! Limited: 2000000000000
Speed.GPU.#1.:   389.8M/s
HWMon.GPU.#1.: 90% GPU, 38c Temp
[s]tatus [p]ause [r]esume [q]uit =>

Note that, even though it's limited at 2000000000000, it's showing progress as x/1000000000000000 (entire range)

Am I doing something wrong?

Messages In This Thread
Status/Progres display when using --pw-limit? - by Iv4n - 01-10-2012, 03:37 PM