help identify algo from kerio connect
I just ran mdxfind for any supported hash, using '123456' as the only input - up to 2M rounds, with extended truncation search - against those hashes both with and without the static component. In theory, this would cover many different types and subtypes of hash. No hits.

I'd be curious in what kinds of hashes are generated if that "Store password" box is checked or unchecked.

According to :

Quote:Version 8.4.0 October 14, 2014
* Passwords are now always stored in MS-CHAP v2 compatible format for Local users

Given the apparent normal integration of Kerio w/LDAP, I thought it could be LDAP SHA:

$ echo "123456" | passthrough 101
$ echo "123456" | passthrough 111
$ echo fEqNCco3Yq9h5ZUglD3CZJT4lBs= | base64 -d | xxd -p
$ echo 3sFdypnBr3JA0ujT1xeTpffgSEA0NDY3MzU0Mg==  | base64 -d | xxd -p

... but then again, since it changes each time, it must be salted, so that's probably not it.

At this point, unless we're missing something, I think we've established that it's probably not a hash type supported by hashcat.

Messages In This Thread
help identify algo from kerio connect - by misha - 06-12-2018, 12:41 PM
RE: help identify algo from kerio connect - by royce - 06-12-2018, 04:05 PM