Noob - Understanding hashcat input format

I'm trying to understand the hashcat input format for a HMAC-SHA256 hash.
I have read this page many times but I do not understand the input format for HMAC-SHA256 (and more globally the input formats announced in the whole page).
(key = $pass) ...(key = $salt) ... what does it means ?

I have the hash and the salt, I want hashcat to find the key used.

I generated a test vector using python :
>>> import hashlib
>>> import binascii
>>> input = b'easy little pony'
>>> salt = binascii.unhexlify(b'e65814e4382759f85550029e723dc7e7')
>>> H = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac('sha256', input, salt, 100000)
>>> print(binascii.hexlify(H))

So the input I tried to give to hashcat is the following :


And I have filled my dictionnary with some tests values, including the text "easy little pony".

I tried using this command (and all the modes from 1410 to 1460 and 10900) :
hashcat -a0 -m1450 fileWithMyHash.txt myThreeWordsDictionnary.txt

Can you confirm me the mode I picked is correct ?
Is the input supposed to be hex-encoded ? (hash and salt)

Thank you

Messages In This Thread
Noob - Understanding hashcat input format - by plopplop - 08-03-2018, 05:17 PM