SQL2012 - Token Length Exception
First of all, hashes (yeah all hashes, including the SQL hashes) are not decryptable, you must crack them.

The error message clearly says that it tried to use the hash "C:\hashcat\Hashes.txt" which is not a valid hash. If you want to specify a path to a file containing hashes, you need to specify the correct path. If the file is not found (like in your case), hashcat tries to load that command line argument as a hash directly.

Long story short, make sure that the file C:\hashcat\Hashes.txt' exists.
(it must also contain valid hashes, like the ones/examples here: https://hashcat.net/wiki/example_hashes , but that's not the problem in your case. The problem is that the FILE was NOT found).

Messages In This Thread
SQL2012 - Token Length Exception - by A-netadmin - 12-19-2018, 06:44 PM
RE: SQL2012 - Token Length Exception - by philsmd - 12-19-2018, 07:37 PM