Need help on cracking veracrypt hidden partition
Hello everyone,

I am totally new to using hashcat and even to the 'password cracking' world and I have zero knowledge on using this kind of software. But I am posting this since I have got an encrypted, hidden veracrypt partition on an external hard drive created a while ago and I forgot the password, however I do remember phrases included in the password, but I forgot the combination of them (e.g. I remember the password including the phrases aaa,bbb,ccc but forgot whether it is aaabbbccc or aaacccbbb or sth else like that).

So I am trying to use hashcat to crack the password. This ( seems to indicate that I will have to first 'extract' hashes from the hidden volume (pls correct me if I am wrong). This command (dd if=hashcat_ripemd160_AES_hidden.raw bs=1 skip=65536 count=512) posted there seems to allow me to 'extract' hashes from the hidden volume but the command doesnt seem to allow dd to read from the hidden partition. Can anyone kindly tell me how to do so?

Once the hash is extracted, is there any way to tell hashcat to try different combination from the 'password fragments' that I remember to crack the password?

Thanks a lot for the help

Messages In This Thread
Need help on cracking veracrypt hidden partition - by LCK - 12-31-2018, 08:44 AM