01-25-2019, 08:28 PM
hashcat -1 ?l?s?u -a 3 -m 13721 --increment-min 14 --increment-max 15 -w 4 C:\Users\Hyper\Desktop\ddump\hashes.tc xxxxxxxxxxxx?1?1?1?1
This would search all lowercase, uppercase, and symbols with max workload starting with 14 characters and moving to 15 if not found. This way you can eliminate digits if you're 100% sure they are not in the last 3-4 characters, shortening your workload.
This would search all lowercase, uppercase, and symbols with max workload starting with 14 characters and moving to 15 if not found. This way you can eliminate digits if you're 100% sure they are not in the last 3-4 characters, shortening your workload.