compiling a reduced wordlist .ccp
Need assistance in getting this word-list made.

I have so far ran the la.exe which makes the word-list but only in command prompt. (It would copy and paste this to text but it was outputting very slowly for me).

Installed the Windows 7 and 10 SDK and tried compiling in the command prompt it its folder to run cl command but not able to get that to work.
[url=][/url]"'cl' is not recognized as an internal or external command"

Ran "g++ la.cpp -ola" on Linux but making a small 31kb file which i couldn't put into hashcat as not a text file and not being able to open it to see content.

I'm hoping someone can either guide me how to do it or upload the custom wordlist to mega so i can download and use it in hash-cat.

Messages In This Thread
compiling a reduced wordlist .ccp - by wckd1 - 07-03-2020, 09:54 AM
RE: compiling a reduced wordlist .ccp - by wckd1 - 07-03-2020, 12:47 PM