help with command!

please use maskfiles for that, instead of providing the mask directly on the command line, special chars like * have mostly some hidden meanings on commandline

so put this line (you had also one typo, missing the last d or was ther the last ? to much?) plz check


inside a file called mask.txt
and start hashcat with

hashcat -a3 -O --stdout mask.txt

you will see generated passes like you wanted


each line in this maskfile is one mask, so by modifying the mask.txt to



hashcat will first produce passes with 1 * appended/prependen
second line will do the some but with 2 **

you dont need the increment and min max flag, your command line will be

hashcat.exe -m22000 -a3 -O hash.hc22000 mask.txt

Messages In This Thread
help with command! - by koki90 - 05-07-2022, 05:45 PM
RE: help with command! - by marc1n - 05-08-2022, 06:33 PM
RE: help with command! - by Snoopy - 05-09-2022, 03:58 PM