new module: md5 with substitution

i have a fixed substitution for each character:

subs['a'] = 'd13hfgkjgl8kj'
subs['b'] = ...
subs['f'] = 'gdf4oiu8gug'
subs['o'] = 'u3otyu081rty'
subs['z'] = ...
subs['0'] = ...
subs['9'] = ...

then the hash is:

hash('foo') = md5(subs['f']+subs['o']+subs['o'])
            = md5('gdf4oiu8gugu3otyu081rtyu3otyu081rty') = '2144e74661812f17e37f972c981282d9'

i like to find a 6-character string s such that hash(s) = target hash.

do i need to create a new custom module/algorithm?

i have read src/modules/module_00000.c to see how the md5 cracker works, but not sure how to do this.

thank you for your ideas.

Messages In This Thread
new module: md5 with substitution - by phaphip - 05-09-2022, 07:22 PM