TPlink - wifi passkey
Hey all,

First time poster..
I have noticed that TP link routers have a 8pin passkey for their wifi set up as the default. 
Most people dont change this and i have had success in the pass with creating a crunch key file..

Can you share the netgear defaults.. I havn't owned a netgear before and all i am finding online are the typcial admin admin logins..

I would like to make a crunch based on this default system also.. 

On a side note. i have been using wifite and have obtained a handshake with tshark. when i try to convert to a hccpx file for cracking it does not work.. any help on this is appreciated.. 


Messages In This Thread
TPlink - wifi passkey - by meanjellybean - 10-07-2022, 01:24 PM
RE: TPlink - wifi passkey - by meanjellybean - 10-07-2022, 02:21 PM