help with option please
Hi, im new using hashcat, just start today, because im using a sistem of vortex math to know wich character is behind of a hash.
Now want to know how use hashcat with the option -2, show example i use:

!hashcat -m 11300 -a 3 -1 abctuqplm -2 xxxxxx "hash" ?1?1?2?1?1?1?2?2?1

in the option -1 i put the lethers i find behind the hash that is in the password, and in the -2 need to put the numbers from 0 to 36 (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ... , 36) because is the password use 3 of this numbers, the long word is of 11 characters.
I dont know how fix it to put it well.
thank for all who can help, srry if is dificult to say, english isnt my mother language.

Messages In This Thread
help with option please - by kerberstui - 10-27-2022, 09:04 PM