Cracking a bcrypt SHA1
i hope i got it right

you have a sha1 hash and hundreds of bcrypt hashes from a databreach, the only information is that your encrypted pass is inside these bcrypt hashes? well okay but this info is irrelevant (at most)

just try to crack your sha-1 hash with the others info you provided, 6 out of ten digits means hashcat just needs to bruteforce 10.000 combinations which is rediculous low

Messages In This Thread
Cracking a bcrypt SHA1 - by bigshai - 01-16-2024, 04:37 AM
RE: Cracking a bcrypt SHA1 - by nick8606 - 01-16-2024, 05:46 AM
RE: Cracking a bcrypt SHA1 - by Snoopy - 01-16-2024, 01:25 PM