Cracking through transformation in hex of passwords generated by mask
okay, the simplest way, use a maskfile for that, you will need 8 lines

€ is hex e2 82 ac
$ is hex 24
£ is hex c2 a3

so we have as single hex: 24 82 A3 AC C2 E2

first 2 lines in masks.txt, i assume your 8 char-positions is correct, you have to only change the position of ?2 until you have all possibilities, i started from the back, just go further till you reach position 1, this way hahscat will use 7 plain ascii chars added with a single byte according to your given input from €$ £


start hashcat like that (add your relevant options for -m, -O and so on)

hashcat -a3 --hex-charset hash.txt mask.txt

positive test with just 3 positions

Guess.Charset....: -1 ?l?u?d, -2 2482A3ACC2E2 , -3 Undefined, -4 Undefined
Candidates.#1....: $HEX[73e282] -> $HEX[5882e2]

Messages In This Thread
RE: Cracking through transformation in hex of passwords generated by mask - by Snoopy - 01-31-2024, 10:02 PM