hashcat cmd line needed to brute force old lost wallet
(07-22-2024, 01:48 PM)penguinkeeper Wrote: Do you know any information, such as:
- How long-ish the password was
- If it was humanly or randomly generated
- If you could have reused one of your previous passwords or a variation of one of them
- Vague ideas of any characters that were included or excluded like "I used lowercase and uppercase but not digits or symbols" etc
- Any parts of the password, such as "It started with Luke and I think it ended in some numbers" etc
This, and any other information you can think of will be helpful in the cracking process

cant think of anything this is why i was asking for all possible combos and have it run for days until it found it, i created it back in 2013

Messages In This Thread
RE: hashcat cmd line needed to brute force old lost wallet - by Luke10KxT - 07-22-2024, 09:10 PM