hashcat cmd line needed to brute force old lost wallet
(07-23-2024, 03:22 AM)penguinkeeper Wrote:
(07-23-2024, 03:12 AM)Luke10KxT Wrote:
(07-23-2024, 03:08 AM)penguinkeeper Wrote: The bitcoin wallet algorithm is just simply very slow. Getting a better GPU would help and adding in the CPU may help a small fraction but it likely won't make a noticeable impact. The algorithm is simply slow, intentionally

gotcha and what does the rule64 actually do, i saw it takes 65 days but without it takes 22 hours can you elaborate

As I said earlier, it just makes new candidates based on variations of the passwords in the wordlist, so for example, "Penguin" could be turned into:
etc and there would be 64 variations per password candidate, hence why it takes roughly 64x longer when you use rules, because it's 64x more passwords to try

thank you so much for your valuable insight, do you know anbything about BTCRecover? trying to setup the btcrecover-tokens-auto.txt and a little stuck as to what to put as the attack letters or whatever at the biottom, this is what i currently have

#--pause --wallet wallet.dat

# This is a comment, btcrecover ignores everything after a # sign        #
# To automatically load a tokenlist save it as btcrecover-tokens-auto.txt #
# We can add arguments in the token by writing #-- only on the first line.#
#                                                                        #
# Just copy this file and your wallet.dat in btcrecover-master folder    #
#            Arguments are: --help, --wallet, --listpass and more        #
# All arguments can be found in btcrecover.py --help                      #
# Run btcrecover without extra aguments (since they are in this file)    #
# so only write in CMD: C:\Python27\python btcrecover.py                  #
#            Testing the Tokenlist                                        #
# Change #--help on line 1 of this file to #--listpass                    #
#                              and run btcrecover.py                    #
#                                                                        #
#            Running the Brute-Force                                      #
# replace #--listpass above with: #--wallet wallet.dat                    #
#                                                                        #
# You can never use --listpass and --wallet at the same time              #
# When using --listpass make sure you delete --wallet wallet.dat          #
# And if you use --wallet wallet.dat make sure you delete --listpass      #
#                                                                        #
#----The most used wildcards, only use them to finetune the tokenlist!----#
# (space + # = #) (%S = $) (%% = %) (%^ = ^) (%s = 1 single space)        #
# The + sign = only try passwords with the following token in it.        #
# The ^ sign = try following token only in the begin of password          #
# %d = 1 digit(0-9) %2d = 2 digits(00-99) %1,3d = 1,2 or 3 digits (0-999) #
# ^r1^ ^r2^ ^r3^ = Relative position of token                            #
# The $ sign at the end of a token = token is at the end of password      #
# A space between tokens = OR                                            #
# (%a = a-z) (%A = A-Z) (%1,3in = 1,2 or 3 digits or a-Z)                #
# (%y = symbol !@#$) (%P = Anything)                                      #

Messages In This Thread
RE: hashcat cmd line needed to brute force old lost wallet - by Luke10KxT - 07-23-2024, 03:55 AM