11-21-2024, 11:06 AM
step 1) download a new hashcat copy
step2) edit the potfile.c
Look for around line 249 for this:
void potfile_write_append (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, const char *out_buf, const int out_len, u8 *plain_ptr, unsigned int plain_len)
before it ends } I added this:
remember to change the audio clip to something you want to hear.
step 3) build the binary
you will hear audio and get a discord webhook notification
$ git clone https://github.com/hashcat/hashcat.git
cd hashcat/src
nano potfile.c
step2) edit the potfile.c
Look for around line 249 for this:
void potfile_write_append (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, const char *out_buf, const int out_len, u8 *plain_ptr, unsigned int plain_len)
before it ends } I added this:
// Test Audio Playback
int audio_status = system("ffplay -nodisp -autoexit /opt/hashcatcracked.mp3 > /tmp/audio_log.txt 2>&1");
// Test Discord Notification
char webhook_url[] = "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/get_this_from_discord";
char message[512];
snprintf(message, sizeof(message),
"{\"content\": \"Hashcat cracked a hash!\"}",
out_buf, plain_ptr);
char curl_command[1024];
snprintf(curl_command, sizeof(curl_command),
"curl -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" -d '%s' %s > /tmp/discord_log.txt 2>&1",
message, webhook_url);
int curl_status = system(curl_command);
// Log system call statuses
FILE *log_fp = fopen("/tmp/system_calls.log", "a");
if (log_fp != NULL)
fprintf(log_fp, "Audio status: %d\n", audio_status);
fprintf(log_fp, "Discord status: %d\n", curl_status);
remember to change the audio clip to something you want to hear.
step 3) build the binary
make clean
./hashcat -a3 hash.txt ?a?a?a?a?a
you will hear audio and get a discord webhook notification