[SOLVED]mscash failsause
I tweaked http://itsecblog.net/downloads/batchcrack.sh to do some extra bits .. there may be better or more updated script but I think this is good to start

" the mask only matches exact length not incremental "

how does this look ?:

rem example brute by char to 7 max chars in ~5min  with GTX 560 example hash '2d9f0b052932ad18b87f315641921cda:user' password is password ...
cudaHashcat-plus32.exe -o out.txt -a3 -1 "?l?u?d!@#$-().*_" -m1100 mscache2 ?1
cudaHashcat-plus32.exe -o out.txt -a3 -1 "?l?u?d!@#$-().*_" -m1100 mscache2 ?1?1
cudaHashcat-plus32.exe -o out.txt -a3 -1 "?l?u?d!@#$-().*_" -m1100 mscache2 ?1?1?1
cudaHashcat-plus32.exe -o out.txt -a3 -1 "?l?u?d!@#$-().*_" -m1100 mscache2 ?1?1?1?1
cudaHashcat-plus32.exe -o out.txt -a3 -1 "?l?u?d!@#$-().*_" -m1100 mscache2 ?1?1?1?1?1
cudaHashcat-plus32.exe -o out.txt -a3 -1 "?l?u?d!@#$-().*_" -m1100 mscache2 ?1?1?1?1?1?1

rem  use rules here ... WIP ...
FOR /F "delims==" %%A IN ('DIR/B/S ".\rules\"') DO cudaHashcat-plus32.exe -a 0 -r  "%%A"  -m1100 -o out.txt  "mscache2" "C:\egb\Dictionaries\rockyou.txt"

rem example Hybrid attack rockyou.txt wordlist+MASK to 4 chars
cudaHashcat-plus32.exe -o out.txt -a6 -1 "?l?u?d!@#$-().*_" -m1100  "mscache2" "C:\egb\Dictionaries\rockyou.txt" "?1"
cudaHashcat-plus32.exe -o out.txt -a6 -1 "?l?u?d!@#$-().*_" -m1100  "mscache2" "C:\egb\Dictionaries\rockyou.txt" "?1?1"
cudaHashcat-plus32.exe -o out.txt -a6 -1 "?l?u?d!@#$-().*_" -m1100  "mscache2" "C:\egb\Dictionaries\rockyou.txt" "?1?1?1"

rem same as above with 1337 speek wordlist+MASK  to 4 chars
cudaHashcat-plus32.exe -o out.txt -a6 -1 "?l?u?d!@#$-().*_" -m1100  "mscache2" "C:\egb\Dictionaries\1337_speak.txt" "?1"
cudaHashcat-plus32.exe -o out.txt -a6 -1 "?l?u?d!@#$-().*_" -m1100  "mscache2" "C:\egb\Dictionaries\1337_speak.txt" "?1?1"
cudaHashcat-plus32.exe -o out.txt -a6 -1 "?l?u?d!@#$-().*_" -m1100  "mscache2" "C:\egb\Dictionaries\1337_speak.txt" "?1?1?1"

rem example Hybrid attack rockyou.txt wordlist+MASK to 4 chars digi and some special chars only ...
cudaHashcat-plus32.exe -o out.txt -a6 -1 "?d!@#$-().*_" -m1100  "mscache2" "C:\egb\Dictionaries\rockyou.txt" "?1?1?1"

rem example Hybrid attack 1337 speekt wordlist+MASK to 4 chars digi and some special chars only ...
cudaHashcat-plus32.exe -o out.txt -a6 -1 "?d!@#$-().*_" -m1100  "mscache2" "C:\egb\Dictionaries\1337_speak.txt" "?1?1?1"

rem dammit I give up ... 6hrs .. for 7char brute
cudaHashcat-plus32.exe -o out.txt -a3 -1 "?l?u?d!@#$-().*_" -m1100 mscache2 ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1

REM really !?!? example 8 char brute ( 18 days on GTX 560 )
cudaHashcat-plus32.exe -o out.txt -a3 -1 ?l?u?d!@#$-().*_ -m1100 mscache2 ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1

Messages In This Thread
[SOLVED]mscash failsause - by operat0r - 08-24-2012, 06:10 PM
RE: mscash failsause - by restrictedbytes - 08-24-2012, 09:14 PM
RE: mscash failsause - by operat0r - 08-24-2012, 09:25 PM
RE: mscash failsause - by M@LIK - 08-24-2012, 09:31 PM
RE: mscash failsause - by restrictedbytes - 08-24-2012, 09:33 PM