Need help with a mask (Brute force, but, I know a lot about the hash)
Basically, I have 4 variables from a program dump, after googling I've seen some old workings of this hash and along with modifying the different variables and submitting to the server I notice that only these three variables matter, along with the hash variable.

Variable A is the hash, MD5, 32 characters. Not much more to say.
Variable B is one of the variables, it's "1290"
Variable C is another variable that the program hashs, it's "348"
And finally variable D, the last variable that if I change the hash refuses to match, it's "264"

Now, for the point of this I'm assuming that the variables aren't modified in anyway before hashing (Based on old versions of the program which people have broken, it's not), now, how would I brute force this hash? It MUST contain each of these variables in each of the bruteforce attempts, and, must only contain them once, along with upper (?u), lower (?l) and special (?s).

So, it'd start off with:-
1290348264 (A-B-C together with nothing else)
1920264348 (A-C-B together with nothing else)
Blah blah blah down to C-B-A together
1920348264a (A-B-C with a "a" after it)

Etc... how would I do that? I also want to brute force between and before the variables, so like:-

A1920-348=264C ("A"-Variable A-"-"-Variable B-"="-Variable C-"C")

Messages In This Thread
Need help with a mask (Brute force, but, I know a lot about the hash) - by AutomaticCoding - 09-02-2012, 08:05 PM