oclhashcat-lite Bruteforce Question
For fixed length you need to set --pw-min|max, so yes, you last command is correct.
And no, you do not need to disable markov, it will not skip any combination in the given range. It will only change the order.
Tip: You needn't specify --pw-max as it will exhaust itself when the whole mask is done.

@atom, AnyoneKnowsWhatImTalkingAbout:: We need to make it all (cpus, -lite) follow the new -plus:
* Increment:

  -i,  --increment                   Enable increment mode
       --increment-min=NUM           Start incrementing at NUM
       --increment-max=NUM           Stop incrementing at NUM

Messages In This Thread
RE: oclhashcat-lite Bruteforce Question - by M@LIK - 09-07-2012, 02:42 AM