Markov Chains and hashcat.hcstat File
Markov chains appear to be a very interesting approach to dramatically pruning key-space. I have been experimenting and have several questions. (If these have been previously answered, I apologize in advance.)

- What was the dictionary used to train the default hashcat.hcstat file? Unless I have specific knowledge of the password domain, how "good" is the default hcstat file?

- I understand that markov-threshold parameter is used to control the size of the key-space and that increasing the parameter increases the key-space and vice-versa. More specifically, can anyone more precisely describe this relationship? How can I better understand how tuning the threshold parameter will impact the size of the key-space?

- What is the default parameter setting? What is its range?

- Not sure if this would be feasible (especially without a sacrifice in performance), but it might be interesting to have the markov-chains/hcstat file evolve dynamically as they learn from successfully cracking passwords. This would be somewhat akin to a fingerprint attack, or perhaps more like a Bayesian spam filter.

- Finally, any other references on using markov chains with hashcat would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Messages In This Thread
Markov Chains and hashcat.hcstat File - by chicago-guy - 10-31-2012, 08:00 AM