Using CUDA or not??
Adding CUDA to PATH solved the problem in my case:

PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v11.6\bin

No need to rename the DLL, edit the sources, recompile etc.

Messages In This Thread
Using CUDA or not?? - by fjastlo - 07-07-2021, 08:03 AM
RE: Using CUDA or not?? - by atom - 07-07-2021, 10:13 AM
RE: Using CUDA or not?? - by TheAleph - 07-07-2021, 05:56 PM
RE: Using CUDA or not?? - by atom - 07-07-2021, 06:09 PM
RE: Using CUDA or not?? - by fadedmaple - 07-09-2021, 05:38 PM
RE: Using CUDA or not?? - by TheAleph - 07-09-2021, 07:11 PM
RE: Using CUDA or not?? - by fadedmaple - 07-09-2021, 07:21 PM
RE: Using CUDA or not?? - by TheAleph - 07-10-2021, 03:18 AM
RE: Using CUDA or not?? - by fadedmaple - 07-10-2021, 07:06 AM
RE: Using CUDA or not?? - by TheAleph - 07-07-2021, 07:47 PM
RE: Using CUDA or not?? - by dreu - 02-12-2022, 12:45 PM