DES KPA printf output not as expected

I'm working through the hash 14000 kernel and trying to understand how it's working. I'm using the following command with a single, fixed password just for testing.

del kernels\*.* /Q & hashcat -m 14000 <hash>:<pt> -a 3 -1 charsets/DES_full.hcchr --hex-charset 0123456789abcdef --potfile-disable --self-test-disable --force -n 1 -u 1 -T 1

From the kernel starting at line 2358 there is the following where the password guesses should be:

const u32 w0 = pws[gid].i[0];

const u32 w1 = pws[gid].i[1];

At line 2360 of the kernel I've inserted the following printf commands:

printf("PWD w0: %08x\n", w0);

printf("PWD w1: %08x\n", w1);

My expected output is the first 32 bits of the password in w0 and the last 32 in w1 for example

PWD w0: 67452301
PWD w1: efcdab89

However my observed output is the following:

PWD w0: 67000000
PWD w1: efcdab89

I'm unsure why 6 of the 8 bits of w0 aren't showing. The code does work correctly so I'm assuming it's a limitation of printf() or the way it is being outputted to the console. Changing the printf() to unsigned int results in the same so it's not a conversion issue. 

Any ideas why I am seeing this behaviour? Thanks

Messages In This Thread
DES KPA printf output not as expected - by Zzzz - 08-02-2021, 01:21 PM